
Satisfactory vr
Satisfactory vr

satisfactory vr

Install the modĬopy BebInEx and HoneySelect2_Data folders into your game directory. This should show the game in VR, albeit without any UI. To check that VR is working, start Steam VR and run HoneySelect2.exe with the the option -vrmode "OpenVR". You can also find a pre-patched globalgamemanagers on discord. It won't allow you to overwrite the file in the game directory, so save it somewhere else and make a backup of your original globalgamemanagers before copying your patched version into HoneySelect2_Data.

  • Open the exported dump with a text editor and change the lines.
  • Open HoneySelect2_Data/globalgamemanagers.
  • To enable VR, follow these steps (taken from ): The current build of HS2 doesn't have the Unity VR mode enabled. This may not be necessary anymore now that native VR is supported but I haven't tested this yet.


    The present Honey Select 2 VR mod is based off ( ). Unless someone makes a proper release of VRGIN that works with HS2, consider this project abandoned.Ĭredit for the underlying library (VRGIN) goes to Eusth ( ) and Ooetksh for their AI-Shoujo version. This is a hack to get VR functionality into Honey Select 2, since the offical VR mode hadn't been released yet. ) if you encounter issues or want to contribute. The Q&A Clips YouTube channel can verify all the references I have made to future content.This project is not being maintained anymore.


    Quick Update on State of Development on Steam.


    It's my opinion that the modding community will be responsible for custom maps and these are what will extend the life of the game for many years to come, along with the already massive amount of mods available. The majority of the team working on the project want to see it reach a 1.0 release so they can move on to new projects and ideas. Hannah once tweeted that she's spent most of her twenties working on Satisfactory. Whats after the 1.0 release? I expect that within 6 months of release the maintenance of the game will be handed over to another team and they will be responsible for future content like a DLC map.

  • Gravity affected / structural buildings.
  • Lets not forget things we've told wont' be in the game (perhaps they are coming)
  • More aesthetic building pieces (hopefully update 5).
  • No other machines will come in the game, the Manufacturer, Blender and Particle Accelerator will be what make the final products.
  • Teleportation machine (the description of the Superposition Oscillator part mentions teleporting technology).
  • Attachment to tractor to collect biomass.
  • Character clothing / colour customisation.
  • Jetpack update that allows you to select a fuel type from your inventory.
  • Another yearly event, perhaps Halloween.
  • New parts that are required to open drop pods to collect hard drives (Quantum Computer) (Superposition Oscillator).
  • The remaining information has been obtained via the weekly dev streams on Twitch, these are:
  • Optimization and bug fixes, includes fixes for multiplayer.
  • Let's have a look at that list along with all other confirmed and not-confirmed coming content. One of the most recent updates from the Community Managers is the "Quick Update on State of Development".

    satisfactory vr

    So where's the evidence for my prediction? Don't expect any more machines / alternate recipes for things down at that level, like an iron ingot recipe in the blender. 1.0 Release December 2022 / January 2023Īnything in Tier 5/6 and before is now complete and set in stone.The remaining updates will provide minimal new content and focus on polishing, bug fixing and delivering the story. Here's the bottom line folks, CSS have set a date for the 1.0 release and they are actively working towards that release. As of the Update 4 release and some observations I've made over time watching dev streams I think the greater questions are "how many updates are remaining?" and "when will 1.0 come out". I often get asked "what do you think is coming in Update 5?".

    Satisfactory vr